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Patient Food Card Appeal for "Women’s Night In"

Amy Helie

This is the time of year when you would typically be receiving your invitation to our 2020 Annual "Women's Night Out". Like all of us, we at the Dean Snell Cancer Foundation have had to change the way we do things in this challenging time. To ensure the health and safety of our guests and volunteers, and to comply with state mandates, we have decided to cancel all DSCF fall events. Our mission still continues - to provide a financial safety net for people undergoing treatment for cancer at New England Cancer Specialists in Topsham. For all you have done for the DSCF in the past and thus for patients and their families struggling with cancer, we thank you. We continue to need your help.

While an in-person event is not possible for 2020, we hope you will join us in participating in "Women's Night In", which will be focused on raising money for patient food cards. Food cards for patients comprise 30% of our annual budget. Many cancer patients are ill-equipped to afford healthy food choices, which is essential for combating the disease. Appetite and taste are often altered, making it particularly important for them to have access to a variety of healthy foods. Especially now with this pandemic, many are challenged more than ever due to loss of work, isolation and less assistance at home. Giving patients financial help to buy healthy food takes away a huge barrier.

This appeal card includes the opportunity, if you choose, to note your donation "In Memory of" or "In Honor Of". These will be published on the DSCF website and our Facebook page.

Download and print the card. Mail the completed card, along with your donation to:

Dean Snell Cancer Foundation

P.O. Box 104

Brunswick, ME 04011

Checks should be made out to "Dean Snell Cancer Foundation". Please do not mail cash.

Don't want to use snail mail? Credit card and Paypal donations are also accepted. Go to and select the Donate button. This will bring you to our Donations section where you can select to donate online. After making your online donation, send an email to and let us know your "In Memory of" or "In Honor Of" to include with the donation.

As always, we thank you for your support - past, present and future.

Women's Night In Sponsored By:

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